Date of commencement of online applications: 10.05.2022 (from 9:00 AM)
Last date of submission of online applications: 10.06.2022 (up to 5:00 PM)
CSIR – Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute is a premier national laboratory under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. The Institute undertakes a wide range of basic and applied R&D projects spanning the areas of chemistry, biology and engineering. The Institute has excellent infrastructure by way of sophisticated analytical instruments, modern laboratories, pilot plants, library, local area network and workshop.
Applications are invited ONLINE from talented and result-oriented Indian Nationals for 09 Administrative Posts, as per the following details:
Post Code | Name of the Post with Reservation | Total Number of posts | Level in Pay Matrix & Total emolument as per 7th CPC | Essential Qualifications | Age limit not exceeding# | |
JSA01 | Junior Secretariat Assistant (General).
[2 Un-reserved, 1 Reserved for EWS and 1 Reserved for OBC] |
04 (Four) | Level 2
Rs.30830/-* |
10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in Computer with typing speed @ 35 w.p.m. in English or @ 30 in Hindi. | 28 years | Apply |
JSA02 | Junior Secretariat Assistant (Finance & Accounts)
[1 Un-reserved and 1 Reserved for OBC] |
02 (Two) | Level 2
Rs.30830/-* |
10+2/XII or its equivalent with Accountancy as a subject and proficiency in Computer with typing speed @ 35 w.p.m. in English or @ 30 in Hindi. | 28 years | Apply |
JSA03 | Junior Secretariat Assistant (Stores & Purchase)
[2 Un-reserved] |
02 (Two) | Level 2
Rs.30830/-* |
10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in Computer with typing speed @ 35 w.p.m. in English or @ 30 in Hindi. | 28 years | Apply |
JS04 | Junior Stenographer
(Reserved for SC) |
01 (One) | Level 4
Rs.40353/-* |
10+2/XII or its equivalent and speed of 80 w.p.m. in shorthand in English /Hindi. | 27 years | Apply |
# Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC/PwD as per rules.
* Total emoluments mean approximate total emoluments on minimum of the corresponding level in the Pay Matrix including HRA etc. in Class ‘Y’ Cities.
Abbreviations used: SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Classes, PwD – Persons with Disability, UR – Unreserved, w.p.m. – Words Per Minute
- The positions carry Pay and Allowances, such as HRA, TA, DA etc. at Central Government rates as applicable to the employees of Council stationed at Bhavnagar. Other benefits, such as Leave Travel Concession and Reimbursement of medical expenses, are also available. The employees are provided with residential accommodation as per CSIR rules.
- All new entrants will be governed by the “New Pension Scheme” on defined Contributions for new entrants recruited in Central Government Services on or after 01-01-2004, as adopted by CSIR for its employees. However, persons selected from other Government Departments / Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Central Universities having Pension Scheme on GOI pattern and who are presently being governed by the Old Pension Scheme will continue to be governed by the existing Pension Scheme i.e. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
- The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of applications i.e. 10.06.2022.
- Age relaxation of 5 years to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and 3 years to the members of Other Backward Classes in the upper age limit shall be allowed only in cases where the posts are reserved for that particular category.
- As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husbands who are not remarried, the upper age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years [up to 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes]. The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce following documentary evidence:
- In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit that she has not remarried.
- In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their husbands, a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate Court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be, with an Affidavit in respect of divorced Women that they have not remarried.
- Age relaxation of 10 years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates) in upper age limit shall be allowed to persons suffering from (a) blindness or low vision (b) hearing impairment and (c) loco motor disability (d) cerebral palsy subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years. The age concession to the persons with disabilities shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability. Relaxation of age limit would be permissible to such persons who have a minimum 40% disability.
- Age relaxation to the Ex-Servicemen will be applicable as per the Government of India instructions, as amended from time to time.
- SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates are required to produce a copy of the certificate in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority along with application form. The OBC candidates must produce the certificate valid for appointments under the Central government.
- There is no age limit for Departmental candidates provided they possess the prescribed qualifications.
While the proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer is only qualifying in nature, the final merit list will be prepared on the basis of performance of the candidates in the Competitive Written Examination. The merit list will only comprise those candidates who have qualified the proficiency test in Computer typing.
There will be two papers in the written competitive examination (Paper-I and Paper-II). Paper I is qualifying in nature. The Paper II will be evaluated only for those candidates who secure the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the Selection Committee) in the Paper I and Merit list will be prepared based on marks obtained in Paper II.
Mode of Examination | OMR based or Computer Based Objective type Multiple Choice Examination |
Medium of Examination | The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the questions on English language.
Standard of Exam | 10+2/XII |
Total No. of Questions | 200 |
Total time allotted | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Syllabus or Written test shall be as follows:-
Paper – I (Time allotted – 90 Minutes)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Mental Ability Test* | 100 | 200 (two marks for every correct answer) | There will be no negative marks in this paper. |
* Mental Ability Test will be so devised so as to include General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Situational Judgement etc.
Paper-II (Time Allotted-1 hour)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
General Awareness | 50 | 150 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
English Language | 50 | 150 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
Scheme of Competitive Written Examination for Junior Stenographer
Mode of Examination | OMR Based or Computer Based Objective Type Multiple Choice Examination |
Medium of Questions | The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the Questions on English Language |
Standard of Examination | 10+2/XII |
Total No. of Question | 200 |
Time Allotted | Total 2 hours (2 hours and 40 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe) |
Competitive Written Examination will consist of only one Paper with three parts as detailed below:
Part | Subject | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
I | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 0.25 marks is deducted for every wrong answer |
II | General Awareness | 50 | 50 | 0.25 marks is deducted for every wrong answer |
III | English Language & Comprehension | 100 | 100 | 0.25 marks is deducted for every wrong answer |
- Proficiency Test in Stenography
The candidates will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English or Hindi (as opted by the candidates in the Application Form) at the speed of 80 w.p.m. for the post of Junior Stenographer. The transcription time is as follows:
S. No. | Language of Skill Test | Time Duration (in minutes) | Time Duration (in minutes) for the candidates eligible for scribe |
1 | English | 50 | 70 |
2 | Hindi | 65 | 90 |
Preparation of Merit List
- i) The proficiency in stenography will only be qualifying in nature.
- ii) The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the competitive written examination
iii) The merit list will only comprise of those candidates those who have qualified the proficiency test in stenography
- The applicant must be a citizen of India.
- The number of vacancies is provisional and may vary. The CSIR-CSMCRI reserves the right to cancel all or part of the advertised vacancies at any stage of recruitment process.
- The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Universities/ Institutions.
- All testimonials/certificates will be verified later. Therefore, candidates must produce original(s) for verification as and when desired by this Institute. Any wrong or incomplete information furnished by the candidate shall render her/him ineligible for consideration without any further notice. The candidature is provisional at all the stage of recruitment process.
- If any document/certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript copy in Hindi/English of the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Notary is required to be submitted.
- SC/ST/OBCs, PwD, & ESM certificates, as applicable, should be issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format/proforma.
- The post are local and the normal place of posting is in CSIR-CSMCRI. However the appointees are liable to be posted at any of the Laboratories/Institutes of CSIR in exigencies of work.
- Those employed in Govt. Deptt / PSUs /Autonomous Bodies should send their applications through proper channel (advance copy of application should reach before the last date) with a clear certificate that-(i) no vigilance case is pending against her/him(ii) the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment offer if she/he is selected.
- Incomplete applications and the applications received after last date of submission will be summarily rejected. In case candidates could not submit their online application due to failure of server/any technical defect at the last moment, last date will not be extended. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit online application well in advance before the last date of submission of application. Institute’s decision shall be final and binding and no enquiry will be entertained in this regard.